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00001 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
00002  *
00003  * $Id: vtkObjectList.h,v 1.3 2005/06/24 23:17:16 xpxqx Exp $
00004  *
00005  * Copyright (c) 2005 Sean McInerney
00006  * All rights reserved.
00007  *
00008  * See Copyright.txt or
00009  * for details.
00010  *
00011  *    This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
00012  *    the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
00013  *    PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
00014  *
00015  */
00016 #ifndef VTK_OBJECT_LIST_H_
00017 #  define VTK_OBJECT_LIST_H_
00018 #  include "vtkObjectBaseList.h"
00019 #  include "vtkObjectListIterator.h" // Covariant return type.
00031 class VTK_CONTAINERS_EXPORT vtkObjectList
00032   : public vtkObjectBaseList
00033 {
00034 public:
00035   static vtkObjectList* New (void);
00036   vtkTypeRevisionMacro (vtkObjectList, vtkObjectBaseList);
00037   void PrintSelf (ostream&, vtkIndent);
00043   virtual int   Swap (vtkObjectList* container)
00044     { return this->Superclass::Swap(container); }
00050   virtual int   Copy (vtkObjectList* container)
00051     { return this->Superclass::Copy(container); }
00068   virtual int   Insert (vtkIdType position, vtkObject* item)
00069     { return this->Superclass::Insert(position, item); }
00086   virtual int   Insert (vtkIdType      position,
00087                         vtkObjectList* sequence)
00088     { return this->Superclass::Insert(position, sequence); }
00107   virtual int   Insert (vtkIdType      position,
00108                         vtkObjectList* sequence,
00109                         vtkIdType      seqBeg,
00110                         vtkIdType      seqEnd)
00111     { return this->Superclass::Insert(position, sequence, seqBeg, seqEnd); }
00117   virtual int   Assign (vtkIdType position, vtkObject* item)
00118     { return this->Superclass::Assign(position, item); }
00124   virtual int   PushFront (vtkObject* item)
00125     { return this->Superclass::PushFront(item); }
00131   virtual int   PushBack (vtkObject* item)
00132     { return this->Superclass::PushBack(item); }
00145   virtual int   Splice (vtkIdType dstPos, vtkObjectList* src)
00146     { return this->Superclass::Splice(dstPos, src); }
00158   virtual int   Splice (vtkIdType dstPos, vtkObjectList* src, vtkIdType srcPos)
00159     { return this->Superclass::Splice(dstPos, src, srcPos); }
00175   virtual int   Splice (vtkIdType dstPos, vtkObjectList* src,
00176                         vtkIdType srcBeg, vtkIdType srcEnd)
00177     { return this->Superclass::Splice(dstPos, src, srcBeg, srcEnd); }
00188   virtual int   Merge (vtkObjectList* src)
00189     { return this->Superclass::Merge(src); }
00200   vtkObject*    At (vtkIdType position) const
00201     { return static_cast<vtkObject*>(this->Superclass::At(position)); }
00210   vtkObject*    Front (void) const
00211     { return static_cast<vtkObject*>(this->Superclass::Front()); }
00217   vtkObject*    Back (void) const
00218     { return static_cast<vtkObject*>(this->Superclass::Back()); }
00222   vtkObjectListIterator* CreateIterator (void);
00224 protected:
00225   vtkObjectList (void);
00226   ~vtkObjectList();
00228 private:
00229   //BTX
00231   friend class vtkObjectListIterator;
00234   int Swap (vtkObjectBaseList* a)
00235     { return this->Superclass::Swap(a); }
00236   int Copy (vtkObjectBaseList* a)
00237     { return this->Superclass::Copy(a); }
00238   int Insert (vtkIdType position, vtkObjectBase* object)
00239     { return this->Superclass::Insert(position, object); }
00240   int Insert (vtkIdType pos, vtkObjectBaseList* seq)
00241     { return this->Superclass::Insert(pos, seq); }
00242   int Insert (vtkIdType pos, vtkObjectBaseList* seq,
00243               vtkIdType seqBeg, vtkIdType seqEnd)
00244     { return this->Superclass::Insert(pos, seq, seqBeg, seqEnd); }
00245   int Assign (vtkIdType position, vtkObjectBase* object)
00246     { return this->Superclass::Assign(position, object); }
00247   int PushFront (vtkObjectBase* object)
00248     { return this->Superclass::PushFront(object); }
00249   int PushBack (vtkObjectBase* object)
00250     { return this->Superclass::PushBack(object); }
00251   int Splice (vtkIdType dstPos, vtkObjectBaseList* src)
00252     { return this->Superclass::Splice(dstPos, src); }
00253   int Splice (vtkIdType dstPos, vtkObjectBaseList* src, vtkIdType srcPos)
00254     { return this->Superclass::Splice(dstPos, src, srcPos); }
00255   int Splice (vtkIdType dstPos, vtkObjectBaseList* src,
00256               vtkIdType srcBeg, vtkIdType srcEnd)
00257     { return this->Superclass::Splice(dstPos, src, srcBeg, srcEnd); }
00258   int Merge (vtkObjectBaseList* a)
00259     { return this->Superclass::Merge(a); }
00261   //ETX
00263 private:
00269   vtkObjectList (const vtkObjectList&);
00270   void operator= (const vtkObjectList&);
00272 };
00274 #endif /* VTK_OBJECT_LIST_H_ */
00275 /* 
00276  * End of: $Id: vtkObjectList.h,v 1.3 2005/06/24 23:17:16 xpxqx Exp $.
00277  * 
00278  */

Generated on Thu Jul 14 14:39:39 2005 for vtkContainers by doxygen 1.3.6